My wife and I have been active parishioners since our marriage in 1982. We have 4 grown children, all graduated from Holy Rosary School. I am an Eucharistic Minister and serve on our Lazarus Ministry by helping out at funerals. I have served on Parish Council as well as the Christian Formation Committee and various sub-committees. I have served on the Diocesan School Board. The timing of my present service on the Deanery Leadership Team coincided with my retirement and discernment of this next phase of my life. I started going to daily Mass at the various parishes in our deanery and found that variety to be interesting and when I was asked to be on the Deanery Leadership Team, I felt the Holy Spirit's guidance as an answer to my own discernment. I continue to feel the Holy Spirit's guidance in the process, and it is my hope and prayer that the entire deanery can grow in this work of the church.